Can I defer my 2022 race entry or get a refund?
I didn't know what your cancellation policy was before registering. It wasn't communicated clearly.
What's the expiry date for 2020 COVID deferrals?
- No, you cannot defer your entry. You can however receive a 50% refund of your entry fees, if you contact us to officially drop out before March 1 at midnight Pacific time. After March 1, there will be no refunds.
- Why can't I get a refund after March 1st? As of March 1st our budget needs to be 100% in place in order to host a premier event like Wild Horse Traverse.
I didn't know what your cancellation policy was before registering. It wasn't communicated clearly.
- Our website and registration platforms asked racers to read and review our policy before signing up.
- Further, our website states that runners have a 24hr window after registering for our events to request a refund if they are not happy with the policy.
What's the expiry date for 2020 COVID deferrals?
- May 13, 2023. After this date, there will be no refund or deferrals and your credit will expire.